


Documents Relating to Alexey Pichugin’s Case

Russian Supreme Court Decisions

Original Russian of the October 23, 2013 Russian Supreme Court decision refusing to grant Pichugin a new trial

English translation of the October 23, 2013 Russian Supreme Court decision refusing to grant Pichugin a new trial

Original Russian of the November 8, 2017 Russian Supreme Court decision refusing to grant Pichugin a new trial

English translation of the November 8, 2017 Russian Supreme Court decision refusing to grant Pichugin a new trial


International Court Decisions

European Court of Human Rights, Case of Pichugin v. Russia, Application No. 38623/03, Judgment October 23, 2012, Final March 18, 2013

European Court of Human Rights, Case of Pichugin v. Russia, Application No. 38958/07, Judgment, June 6, 2017


Council of Europe Decisions

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Motion for a Resolution, The Circumstances surrounding the Arrest and Prosecution of Leading Yukos Executives, Doc. 10083, February 12, 2004

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report by Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights Rapporteur Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, The Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest and Prosecution of Leading Yukos Executives, Doc. 10368, November 29, 2004

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution, The Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest and Prosecution of Leading Yukos Executives, RES 1418, January 1, 2005

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report by Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights Rapporteur Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Allegations of Politically-Motivated Abuses of the Criminal Justice System in Council of Europe Member States, Doc. 11993, August 7, 2009.

Pierre-Yves Le Borgn’ raises Alexey Pichugin’s Case, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, 2017 Ordinary Session, Report, Second Part, Tuesday 25, April 2017

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution, The Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, RES 2178, June 26, 2017

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report by Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights Rapporteur Pierre-Yves Le Borgn’, The Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, June 29, 2017

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Concerns over Delays in Implementing the Court’s Judgments, June 29, 2017

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Pichugin and Navalnyy Cases: Failings Highlighted by ECHR Still Not Remedied by Russian Authorities, September 29, 2017

Notes of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Meeting, 19-21 September 2017


Other Documents 

Alexey Pichugin Pardon History (collection of documents)

Mikhail Fedatov, Letter of Support for Alexey Pichugin, July 7, 2017

May 24, 2016 Orenburg Governor Letter re: Alexey Pichugin Pardon Denial (English)

May 24, 2016 Orenburg Governor Letter re: Alexey Pichugin Pardon Denial (Russian)

December 2017 Orenburg Governor Letter re: Alexey Pichugin Pardon Denial (English)

December 2017 Orenburg Governor Letter re: Alexey Pichugin Pardon Denial (Russian)

Petition to United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Submitted July 31, 2018

The Kremlin’s Political Prisoners, Advancing a Political Agenda by Crushing Dissent, Report by Perseus Strategies, with Support from Memorial Human Rights Centre, May 2019.

Excerpt on Alexey Pichugin, The Kremlin’s Political Prisoners, Advancing a Political Agenda by Crushing Dissent, Report by Perseus Strategies, with Support from Memorial Human Rights Centre, May 2019, pages 26-27.

United Nations, Human Rights Council, Opinions adopted by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention at its eighty-third session, 19–23 November 2018, Opinion No. 89/2018 concerning Alexey Pichugin (Russian Federation), Advance Edited Version, May 27, 2019.


Documents Relating to the Yukos Affair

International Court Decisions

Hulley Enterprises Ltd. (Cyprus) v. The Russian Federation, July 18, 2014

Supreme Court of Sweden, RosInvestCo UK Ltd. v. Russian Federation, Decision Rendered in Stockholm on November 12, 2010, CaseNo. Ö 2301-09

European Court of Human Rights, Case of OAO Neftyana Kompaniya Yukos v. Russia, Application No. 14902/04, Judgment September 20, 2011, Final March 8, 2012

Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Quasar de Valores SICAV S.A. et. al. v. The Russian Federation, Award, July 20, 2012

European Court of Human Rights, Case of Khodorkovsky and Lebedev v. Russia, Application Nos. 11082/06 and 13772/05, Judgment, July 25, 2013, Final October 25, 2013

European Court of Human Rights, Case of Khodorkovskiy and Lebedev v. Russia (No.2), Applications nos. 51111/07 and 42757/07, Judgment, January 14, 2020

United Kingdom: Govt. of the Russian Federation v. Temerko, Bow Street Magistrate’s Court, January 13, 2006

United Kingdom: Govt. of the Russian Federation v. Maruev and Chernysheva, Bow Street Magistrate’s Court, March 18, 2005

Switzerland: Nevzlin v. Office of the Attorney General, First Public Law Division, Decision of August 13, 2007

Israel: Nudelman v. Minister of the Interior of the State of Israel, HCJ 1029/06 and HCJ 8386/6, May 14, 2008

Cyprus: District Court of Nicosia, Regarding Law on Extradition of Fugitives -v- Regarding the Application of the Russian Federation for the Extradition of Kartashov Vladislav of Nikolai from Russia, April 10, 2008

Lithuania: Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania, Court Ruling in the Name of the Republic of Lithuania, Case No. A14-2193/06, Vilinus, October 16, 2006

Lithuania: Court of Appeal of Lithuania, Court Ruling in the Name of The Republic of Lithuania, Case No 1-N-1-2006, Vilnius, October 23, 2006

Principality of Liechtenstein, Superior Court for Civil Cases, File No. 12 R.2003.255 ON 25, Vaduz, April 25, 2004


Council of Europe Documents

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Motion for a Resolution, The Circumstances surrounding the Arrest and Prosecution of Leading Yukos Executives, Doc. 10083, February 12, 2004

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report by Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights Rapporteur Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, The Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest and Prosecution of Leading Yukos Executives, Doc. 10368, November 29, 2004

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution, The Circumstances Surrounding the Arrest and Prosecution of Leading Yukos Executives, RES 1418, January 1, 2005

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report by Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights Rapporteur Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Allegations of Politically-Motivated Abuses of the Criminal Justice System in Council of Europe Member States, Doc. 11993, August 7, 2009.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution, Allegations of Politically Motivated Abuses of the Criminal Justice Systems in Council of Europe Member States, RES 1685 (2009), adopted September 30, 2009

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution, Threats to the Rule of Law in Council of Europe Member States: Asserting the Parliamentary Assembly’s Authority, RES 2040 (2015), March 6, 2015

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution, The Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, RES 2178, June 26, 2017

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Report by Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights Rapporteur Pierre-Yves Le Borgn’, The Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, June 29, 2017

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Concerns over Delays in Implementing the Court’s Judgments, June 29, 2017

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Pichugin and Navalnyy Cases: Failings Highlighted by ECHR Still Not Remedied by Russian Authorities, September 29, 2017

Notes of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Meeting, 19-21 September 2017


Other Documents

United States House of Representatives, H.Con. Res. 336, 108th Congress (2003-2004), Introduced November 21, 2003 

United States Senate, S. Con. Res. 85, 108th Congress (2003-2004), Introduced November 21, 2003 

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), “The Yukos Affair and its Implications for Politics and Business in Russia,” Briefing, July 13, 2005

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), “The Yukos Affair and its Implications for Politics and Business in Russia,” Briefing Transcript, July 13, 2005 

Amnesty International, Russia: Khodorkovsky and Lebedev are Prisoners of Conscience, May 25, 2011 

Joint Letter of Human Rights NGOs to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, October 27, 2010 


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Days in custody

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