
A new letter was received from Alexey Pichugin

July 15, 2020

A letter dated June 27 was received from Alexey Pichugin. In it, Alexey sends his regards to his pen pals and asks them to take care of their health, concerned about the epidemic in Moscow. He specifically mentions Gennady Kravtsov, congratulating him on his release. Kravtsov, a radio engineer, was arrested in 2014 and charged with treason for sending his resume to a foreign company.

In his letter, Alexey Pichugin also reacted to the funeral of opposition member Sergei Mokhnatkin: “I join everyone in mourning Sergei Mokhnatkin of blessed memory. May he rest in peace! To Anna Krechetova – my deepest gratitude for everything, I can’t thank her enough. I am touched and warmed by what she wrote about me. I thank her and I wish her strength. We are all nearby. I wish her strength of spirit and body for many, many years to come! I always remember Sergei. I pray that his soul is eternal.”

Alexey also expressed his respect and sent his best wishes to Father Grigory Mikhnov-Voitenko.

Source: Facebook, delopichugina, July 15, 2020

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